CPHS Fishing: Cole Scott and Seth Kearns win Texoma Tournament

Charles Page High School anglers Cole Scott and Seth Kearns recently took first place out of more than seventy teams at the Oklahoma Bass Nation season opener, catching four fish for a total of 13.18 pounds at Lake Texoma.

On Sunday Scott and Kearns finished 19th with two fish weighing 6.48 pounds. They are 4th out of 72 teams on the yearly trail standings and are automatic State Qualifiers thanks to their win on Saturday.

Mack Taylor and Reese David placed 13th on Saturday with four fish totaling 8.7 pounds. They improved to 7th on Sunday with four fish weighing 9.88 pounds and are 5th overall on the trail standings.

Jerret Haley and Dalton Duvall placed 11th on Saturday with two fish weighing 8.81 pounds, the highest two-catch weight of the tournament. They tallied 6.55 pounds between two fish on Sunday for 18th place and are 9th on the trail standings.

Austin Smith and Joe Nelson caught a 2.5 pounds bass on Saturday for 44th place. They caught two fish weighing 3.42 pounds on Sunday for 34th place and are 34th on the trail standings.

Cruz Norris and Gunnar Casey placed 39th on Saturday with two fish totaling 2.89 pounds. They were 42nd on Sunday with a 2.04 pound bass and are 37th on the trail standings.

Kyle and Kale Hilligoss caught a 2.66 pound bass on Sunday for 40th place and are 56th in trail standings.

Corbin Williams and Lane Webster caught a 1.87 pound bass on Sunday for 45th place and are 58th in trail standings.

OBN High School Fishing is an unofficial sport that receives no funding from the school. The two-man teams are coached by parents or volunteer pilots on privately owned vessels and expenses are paid through sponsorships by local businesses.

The trail season consists of two fall events and three spring events, plus a State Championship. The top-two finishers at the Championship, as well as one out of every 25 teams to participate in the season will advance to the National Championship.

Individuals with children who would like to compete, or individuals who would like to co-sponsor a team or volunteer as pilots/captains can attend the monthly team meeting at the CPHS Library September 25th at 6:00 p.m.